Methodology (pedagogy)
LeadYoung’s project-based, experiential leadership training module was originally only available to schools and civic organizations. Due to Covid and Dr. Nelson’s cancer diagnosis, the founders decided to make this information to parents, so as many people as possible could benefit from it. No one desires the best for their child more than a healthy parent. Now, through the KidLead Academy digital course, moms and dads can receive training to use this vetted, executive-caliber, organizational leadership training curricula.
Here is a 4-minute video from our Thai partners (KidLead Asia) that introduces the curriculum well.
Learn by Doing

Leading is a soft skill and soft skills are hard. Research shows that people fail and succeed due to their social skills more than what they know or can do. You do not learn soft skills from a book or listening to a lecture.
LeadYoung Training Systems curricula utilize training methodology recommended by the Association of Talent Development (ATD) and Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) called active learning. Research shows that experiential methods increase retention and accelerate comprehension, not to mention maintaining the attention of children and youth. Over 95% of the curricula involves multi-sensory activation and addresses various learning styles, incorporating a combination of cognitive, micro and macro motor skills, kinesthetics, and discussion.
Over the course of the training modules, 100s of project-based activities reinforce leader skills and qualities. Just as repetitive athletic training focuses on muscle memory, ongoing leadership activities condition young leaders to respond automatically as team builders and problem solvers. Trainers & Koaches teach Socratically by asking strategic questions, so students think like leaders. KiddieLead (ages 2-5) and Lead1st (ages 5-9) also include storybooks and playtime activities, suitable for school classrooms and home groups.