LeadYoung training curricula are designed for developmental differences, based on research from Piaget, Kohlberg and others who’ve studied human development.
Here are the names, logos, and descriptions of each of the 5 Stages under the LeadYoung Training Systems umbrella …
Stage 1: KiddieLead / Ages 3-5 (Emerging)
Activities teach peer-led teamwork, allowing gifted young leaders to sprout. Includes 1 activities training module and 16 storybooks.
Stage 2: Lead1st / Ages 5-9 (Sprouting)
Activities teach students about the leadership process and give identified young leaders an opportunity to practice their skills. Curriculum includes 4 activities training manuals and 4 complementary storybooks.
Stage 3: LeadNow / Ages 10-13 (Cultivating)
This concentrated training offers students more gifted in leading, opportunities to jump ahead through practice, Socratic coaching, and peer challenges.
Stage 4: LeadWell / Ages 14-18 (Accelerating)
This adult-like training offers teens the ability to practice skills and gain real-world experience in leading teams, with adult and peer coaching.
Stage 5: LeadStrong / Ages 19-23 (Advancing)
Young adults engage in mini-project and real- world projects plus mentoring, designed to help them surpass typical development rates.