This is the results page of the NYLI assessment that you submitted.

(You can recheck the answers submitted, at the bottom of the page.)

This student’s NYLI composite score: 3.4

Based on 30 out of 30 Responses

Gifting Estimate Ranges:

• 1.00-2.49 Very low probability of leadership giftedness
• 2.50-3.00 Low probability of leadership giftedness
• 3.01-3.49 Slight probability of leadership giftedness
• 3.50-3.79 Modest probability of leadership giftedness
• 3.80-4.39 High probability of leadership giftedness
• 4.40-5.00 Very high probability of leadership giftedness

Subset Aptitudes Graph:

Subset Definitions & Scores:

Persuasive (P1): Leaders convince others to follow them and their ideas (compelling communication, decisiveness, negotiation, selling, convincing): Score 2.29

Propelled (P2): Leaders are self-motivated, inspiring others to participate (displays efficacy, is driven, passionate, goal-oriented, focused on a vision): Score 3.43

Power (P3): Leaders exude courage that inspires others to trust them (boldness, standing up for their ideas, confidence, defending others): Score 3.86

Planner(P4): Leaders see the big picture and create plans that engage others (strategic thinker, establishes direction and goals, assigns tasks to others): Score 4

Your NYLI Question Responses:

Question Name/Number Answer
countryUnited States
Question Number :firstCommonly persuades others
Question Number :twoVery often
Question Number :thirdIs very opinionated
Question Number :fourNearly always
Question Number :fiveQuite a bit
Question Number :sixQuite a bit
Question Number :sevenQuite a bit; comfortable socializing and organizing a few older
Question Number :eightFrequently has goals that engage other people to participate (visionary)
Question Number :nineInitiates moderate risks, sometimes followed by a few
Question Number :tenDefinitely
Question Number :elevenNegotiates and succeeds with peers / compromises with adults
Question Number :twelveConfidence is moderate
Question Number :thirteenNegotiates and succeeds with peers / compromises with adults
Question Number :fourteenDecides well for the most part / others take note
Question Number :fifteenFrequently
Question Number :sixteenYounger ages frequently seek out student and follow
Question Number :seventeenPositive; sometimes noticed by others
Question Number :eighteenPeers acknowledge, occasionally respond to
Question Number :nineteenDoesn't quit easily / perseveres and noticed by others
Question Number :twentyVery independent
Question Number :twentyonePushes against rules that do not makes sense and seeks to change them
Question Number :twentytwoWilling to initiate confrontation and respond to injustice personally
Question Number :twentythreeVery; organizes competitions with others and motivates them
Question Number :twentyfourUsually tries to accomplish things
Question Number :twentyfiveMost certainly
Question Number :twentysixModerately
Question Number :twentysevenClearly motivational; individuals and group respond to student
Question Number :twentyeightMost of the time
Question Number :twentynineQuite a bit
Question Number :thirtyYes

Responder Questions Answer
respondertwoYouth/Children’s Worker
responderthreeMore than 10 times
responderfour3-6 hours
responderfivemedium control
Student Info Questions Answer