This NYLI seeks to estimate organizational leadership aptitude in 6 to 18 year olds.

For children younger than 6, please use Dr. Nelson’s SIS Assessment instead.

For adults older than 18, please use Dr. Nelson’s NMI Assessment instead.

Results of this assessment will be calculated as soon as you submit the form, and then should be emailed to the email addresses you entered. If you encounter technical problems taking the NYLI, please contact us.

The NYLI results depend on the responder’s experience in observing the student in social settings. There are 30, multiple-choice questions. Answer all questions to submit the survey. There are no right or wrong, good or bad answers. Mark the response that seems to best reflect how you have observed the student. First responses are usually best. If you do not think you can adequately answer a question, mark “Unsure.” KidLead Inc. retains this data for its ongoing research on leadership development, but will not share personal info with others. This is a secure form.

Note To Trainers

The NYLI can be used as part of LeadNow and LeadWell training program applications. There are a few open-ended questions at the end of this form. You only need to answer these if it is part of a training program application. If you are submitting this for a student who is applying for a KidLead/LeadYoung training program, make sure you include the trainer’s e-mail and host organization name.

    Please start the NYLI Survey

    Trainer's E-mail Address (If submitting as part of a specific training program.):

    Responder's Name:

    Responder's Email Address:

    Student's First Name:

    Student's Last Name:

    Student's Age:

    Student's Gender :



    Country :

    Name of organization hosting the training program (if known):


    1. In what type(s) of settings have you observed the student?

    2. In what role have you primarily been when you’ve observed the student?

    3. How often have you observed the student in social settings with others?

    4. Typically how long have you observed the student in each of these social settings?

    5. How would you best describe adult supervision during these times?

    6. How long have you known the student?

    Smiley face

    1. Does the child/youth tend to persuade or be persuaded by peers?

    2. The child/youth tends to be task-oriented and/or goal-oriented, eventually resulting in getting others involved in the task/goal.

    3. The child/youth is observed to be opinionated, convincing others to consider the ideas of the child/youth.

    4. This child/youth sticks to their principles, even when peers deviate or disagree.

    5. Peers seek advice from child/youth (i.e. on playground activities, class projects).

    6. Peers seek the child/youth to organize them, as in recess activities, meetings, group projects, or athletic situations.

    7. The child/youth is comfortable socially with those 3-5 years older.

    8. Child/youth demonstrates ambition and/or vision that gets the attention of others.

    9. Child/youth initiates taking risks, inspiring others to participate.

    10. If you stepped away from your class or team for a while, how likely would this child/youth be able to keep others to task?

    11. The child/youth negotiates options well, coming up with solutions others accept.

    12. Child/youth exudes confidence in pressured situations.

    13. What happens when the child/youth interrupts a conversation?

    14. The child/youth is decisive, resulting in others following the decision of the child/youth.

    15. Child/youth establishes direction for peers and others, giving them instructions and/or specific roles to fulfill.

    16. Child/youth initiates supervision of younger ages socially, organizing them in games and activities.

    17. Child/youth is generally optimistic and exudes hope in challenging circumstances that others notice.

    18. The child/youth volunteers for leadership roles.

    19. Child/youth exudes a can-do spirit and perseveres, inspiring others to do the same.

    20. How independent from social pressure does this child/youth seem?

    21. Child/youth challenges rules that don't seem to make sense or seem unfair.

    22. Child/youth is not afraid of healthy conflict, confronting a person/situation.

    23. The child/youth is competitive, engaging others to participate.

    24. The child/youth demonstrates strategic thinking skills / solving a problem without a lot of resources or adult intervention.

    25. This child/youth has been disciplined or critiqued for being "bossy".

    26. The child/youth seems self-motivated, initiating new projects and activities that often include others.

    27. Child/youth inspires and encourages others to join the team and/or stay motivated toward the goal.

    28. The child/youth demonstrates an ability to think conceptually and tactically, breaking a goal into doable steps. For example, they would seem comfortable organizing a team to plan a class party.

    29. Based on the above definition of organizational leadership, how would you rate the observed organizational leadership qualities of the child/youth?

    30. Think of effective adult leaders you know. Can you see this child/youth as a younger version of them?

    Please respond to these questions if the student you're responding to in this NYLI form is applying for the LeadNow (ages 10-13) or LeadWell (ages 14-18) training program. Your answers are important to the candidate's consideration. Thank you!

    Give an example of where you've seen this child/youth lead a group of peers or others?

    What was the goal/project?

    How did the child/youth behave?

    What went well and what did not?

    Why do you think this preteen/teen should be considered for a leadership development program?

    Feel free to add any other comments about what you've observed regarding this youth's ability to influence others.

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