The goal of the NYLI is to identify leadership giftedness for the purpose of offering accelerated training and increase long term effectiveness. Adults respond to questions about the student. This is not for students to take on themselves. It should only take 5 minutes to complete.
The NYLI estimates organizational leadership aptitude in 6 to 18 year olds. For younger children, consider this SIS Test instead.
Results of this assessment will be available as soon as you submit the form and then will be sent to the email addresses you enter. If you encounter technical problems taking the NYLI, please contact us.
The NYLI results depend on the responder’s experience in observing the student in social settings. There are 30, multiple-choice questions. Answer all questions to submit the survey. There are no right or wrong, good or bad answers. Mark the response that seems to best reflect how you have observed the student. First responses are usually best. If you do not think you can adequately answer a question, mark “Unsure.” KidLead Inc. retains this data for its ongoing research on leadership development, but will not share personal info with others. This is a secure form.
Note To Trainers
There are a few open-ended questions at the end of this form. You only need to answer these if it is part of a training program application. The NYLI can be used as part of LeadNow and LeadWell training program applications. If you are submitting this for a student who is applying for a KidLead/LeadYoung training program, make sure you include the trainer’s e-mail and host organization name.