Who will develop our young women leaders?

shelead mothers daughters YOU will… with our help. KidLead is the pioneer in young leader development, creating LeadYoung Training Systems, used globally to identify and develop children and youth possessing a high aptitude for leadership skill learning.
Now there’s a program just for women, allowing female leaders to identify and develop the young women around them, giving them a significant head start (for ages 10-25). We realize that historically, women have been overlooked in serious leadership development. We also recognize that unique female strengths are needed more than ever in the 21st century organizations and society.

SheLead logo color webLeadYoung Training Systems is proud to introduce SheLead, a concentrated, active-learning, age-appropriate training curricula, modeled after executive programs. SheLead gives women the tools to develop younger women. This woman-to-woman strategy provides the unique insights that women leaders can pass on to each other, as well as giving them the content and methods and all leaders need to succeed.

The program can be used in schools, faith communities, and civic groups. KidLead believes that the world would be a better place, if more and better women leaders had roles of influence. SheLead is a powerful resource to make that happen.

Read “Why Women Make Superior Leaders” in our Our Library.

All-girls schools, see how SheLead can also help you achieve your academic goals!  Contact us for more info about SheLead.

These 3 books are available for purchase:

LYW cover 2 webd Known webLeading a a Young Woman is for girls/young women, ages 14-25.  This is part of the SheLead training curriculum, focusing on issues related to leading young.  Click HERE to see/purchase

What I Wish I’d Known About Leading is narrative of a senior woman leader, mentoring a young woman on the issues related to leading.  Click HERE to see/purchase.

How to Bring Out the Leader in Your Daughter offers a summary of what Dr. Nelson has learned working with 1000s of young leaders globally, along with many practical ideas on how to raise your daughter as an effective young leader.  Click HERE to see/purchase.

Estimate YOUR daughter’s leadership aptitude.
Click HERE to complete a free assessment called the Social Influence Survey.  Click HERE to complete a free assessment called the NYLI.

HBOLD book cover webAngie Morgan webLeadership isn’t a 9-5 skill set.  Being a leader is a lifestyle.  The sooner you can develop these skills, the better your life will be. KidLead and SheLead serve as tremendous resources for anyone looking to either ignite the leadership development process within themselves, or inspire the next generation of our nation’s leaders.  

Angie Morgan, author of Leading from the Front and co-founder of Lead Star (www.leadstar.us)

Selena Rezvani“As a women’s leadership speaker, author, consultant, I’m always looking for high octane resources I can recommend.  I’m amazed at the impact and concentration of SheLead training curriculum and thrilled it starts as young as ten years old.”

Selena Rezvani, author of The Next Generation of Women Leadersand Pushback and leadership columnist for Forbes.com