The NMI is designed to estimate organizational leadership aptitude in adults.

The goal is to identify strengths and areas for potential development. It focuses more on leadership emergence than effectiveness. This should only take 5 minutes.

Directions: NMI results depend on the responder’s experience in observing the subject in a organizational settings. There are 30, multiple-choice questions. Answer all questions to submit the survey. Please answer the final questions too. If you encounter technical problems taking the NMI, please Contact Us.

There are no right or wrong, good or bad answers. Mark the response that seems to best reflect how you have observed the subject. First responses are usually best. If you do not feel you can adequately answer a question, mark “Unsure.” This form is secure.

There are a few open-ended questions at the end of this form. You only need to answer these if it is part of a training program application.

    Please start the NMI Survey

    Recipient’s E-mail Address (If you want results sent to another person.):

    Responder's Name (person completing this form):

    Responder's Email Address (person submitting this form):

    Subject’s First Name:

    Subject’s Last Name:




    Country :

    Name of organization (if needed):


    1. In what type(s) of settings have you observed this person?

    2. In what role have you primarily been when you’ve observed the person?

    3. How often have you observed the person in social/organizational settings?

    4. Typically how long have you observed the person in each of these settings?

    5. How would you describe organizational structure (authority level) during these times?


    1. This person is good at persuading others to see this person's way.

    2. This person tends to be task-oriented (i.e. self-motivated, goal-driven).

    3. This person can be quite opinionated and strong-willed.

    4. This person sticks to his/her ideas, even when others deviate or disagree.

    5. This person directly supervises:

    6. Peers seek this person to organize them, as in informal activities, meetings, group projects, or business situations.

    7. This person is comfortable taking charge in social settings.

    8. This person demonstrates ambition / vision.

    9. This person is willing to take risks, trying new things.

    10. If the leader of a group you belong to left, how confident would you feel in following this person until a new leader was found?

    11. How does this person negotiate options and build consensus?

    12. This person exudes confidence in pressured situations.

    13. When this person interrupts a conversation...

    14. Decisiveness.

    15. The person establishes direction with peers and others, giving them instructions and/or specific roles to fulfill.

    16. This person initiates supervision in social settings.

    17. This person is optimistic and remains positive during challenging situations.

    18. If playing “follow the leader” as an adult:

    19. This person exudes a can-do spirit and perseveres.

    20. How independent does this person seem to be?

    21. This person challenges rules that don’t seem to make sense; addresses unfairness.

    22. This person is not afraid of healthy conflict, confronting a person/situation.

    23. The person is competitive.

    24. The person demonstrates strategic problem-solving skills.

    25. This person has been accused of being “bossy".

    26. This person initiates new projects that include others; comes up with new ways of doing things.

    27. This person inspires and encourages others to join the team and/or stay motivated toward the goal.

    28. This person demonstrates an ability to think conceptually and tactically, breaking a goal into doable steps. For example, the person would seem comfortable organizing a team project.

    Organizational leadership: The process of helping people accomplish together, what they would not or could not as individuals.

    29. Based on the above definition of organizational leadership, how would you rate the observed behaviors of this person?

    30. Think of other leaders you respect. How does this person compare?


    Your answers are important to the candidate's consideration. Thank you!

    Give an example of where you've seen this person lead a group of others?

    What was the goal/project?

    How did the person behave?

    What went well and what did not?

    Feel free to add any other comments about what you've observed regarding this person’s ability to manage others?