Watch this video created by a Canadian club, on “What we learned in KidLead.”



I like the challenges because they’re fun and exciting and everyone gets a chance to be a leader.    –Nicholas (10)

We as parents have learned more about leadership, but perhaps the biggest benefit is Nicholas seeing himself in entirely new light- an emerging leader. Along with greater self-confidence, he is building important life skills that will pay dividends. –Ed Powers (Nicholas’ Dad)

LeadNow has been a great addition to our after school programs and has enhanced our students’ leadership capacity and ability to work together as a team.  We are proud to be able to offer such an effective and meaningful program for our children and families.  –Laurie Corso, Principal of Benjamin Eaton Elementary School (now at O’Dea School in Poudre School District, Fort Collins, CO)

Channeling the energy of a strong-willed child by recognizing and developing leadership within these kids wa a new concept that piqued my curiosity.  But as a Trainer, the relevance of the program was confirmed as I watched firsthand, young leaders blossom under the structure of the program.  -Randy Henckel, parent and Certified LeadYoung Trainer

My kids love LeadYoung! They especially enjoyed the fun and relevant activities used to help them learn what qualities are needed to be a great leader; what a great investment in the future. The activities reinforced what they were learning and the Leadership challenges were great. –Margaret Morford, Jocelyn and Cameron’s Mom

Austin liked the games and the projects, the interaction with others kids. It provided a step up to do something significant like his project, which involved taking a group of his peers to talk to the principal about confronting a school bully. At 11, I probably would have gotten into a fight. –Jim Pelichowski, Austin’s Dad


We’ve watched Karli’s poise and confidence grow. It’s fun when she comes home from school and explains things she sees at school in the context of what she’s learned at LeadYoung. That’s also nice for us in a large family, where people are competing for attention in the chaos. LeadYoung has come along and nurtured her in areas where we see her gifts. Now she has someone else help us develop her and give us direction. –Katie Klinger, Karli’s Mom

Austin came out of the Klub meetings excited. He’s not a big person to tell me details, but the kids were always excited about the leadership games. I remember the lesson on integrity that helped me remember why that was important in leading. We remember the movie clips and found them helpful. We often talked about what they did in small groups and we got to know other kids as leaders. –Julie Garrett, Austin’s Mom

I think LeadYoung has made me more patient and a good listener. It’s also helping me be a better leader while helping others. One thing I like about LeadYoung is it has games that are completely related to leadership. -Daisy (10)

The lessons brought up conversations that we might not have had otherwise. We talked about things such as leadership and influence that we really enjoyed. The staged experiences focused on topics we thought were good. We liked discussing the positives and negatives about leadership and were able to talk about kids in school who may be leading a group astray. We have Clay in scouts, chess club, and art classes and you hear about it if he doesn’t want to go. In every one of those, we’ve gotten pushback at one time. Clay never said anything negative about LeadYoung. One night he was tired. We said, “It’s LeadYoung tonight.” He said, “Great!” -Ken Rayment, Clay’s dad

When you’re 13, there’s negative leadership going on in school. Jacob learned not to be a pleaser, because when you lead, you can’t be one. You have to move forward, often without total praise and pats on the back. You have to feel comfortable with who you are, especially as a middle school kid, who wants to fit in and not stand out. KidLead gave him power among his peers. He needed to understand the dynamics of the group. It gave him good understanding of that. I see who Jacob was at the beginning at 7th grade and at the end. He’s learned how to think through a situation instead of just complain.      –Ruth Ann Lott, Jacob’s Mom


Kelly was a little tentative in a leadership role, but we see her confidence building. She’s not as leery. I’ve seen this in how she interacts with her friends at school. Kelly used to be a follower, but I really see her as a leader now. She’s been intimidated by people in the past, but now she’s blossomed out of that. We were planning a vacation the weekend of her leadership project, but changed it because she was so excited to complete it. It’s great seeing her take a leadership role, I wouldn’t expect that from an 11 year old. She’s taking responsibility. When I was 11 years old, I only wanted to play ball, not raise money for the humane society. –Sam Kuhn, Kelly’s Dad

Paris never thought of herself as a leader. Since being in KidLead, she now sees this ability in herself and she talks about why she thinks she’d be a good leader, because she’s not judgmental and is active on the yearbook group at school. –Mary Golden, Paris’ Mentor

Jack was very engaged and I think the activities were well designed. They fit together very well. There was a very open atmosphere for creative ideas. A lot of leaders miss character in life. I recommend LeadYoung, because it’s based on helping kids learn to lead from an ethical basis. As I look at what’s lacking in leadership in society, is that great leaders are selfless. I also really appreciated the parenting seminar and clinic. –Deron Grotelueschen, Jack’s Dad

I liked the interaction of the trainers with the kids and how they learned that working as a team is best. Plus, they received ideas on how to resolve conflict. –Lhauni McMichael, Emily’s Mom

Kyle’s enthusiasm around KidLead was amazing. Rarely have I seen him embrace an activity this much, especially when he hardly knew anybody when he started. The Leadership Project Plan, leading to the actual project, was also a great learning experience. –Shelly Scholtz, Kyle’s Mom